I hope all of you are having a lovely weekend. The weather here is beautiful! It is lovely hearing the birds twitter, chirp and sing. I started this in the morning and now it is afternoon.. the day is going fast! It has warmed up and the ac is on and the only noise from outside is traffic. Our street used to be so quiet.
Yesterday I washed our quilt. It is nice having a washing machine big enough to hold it. It was a pain going to the laundry mat to wash. I hung it on the clothes line to dry. The bedroom smells of the great outdoors now.
I bought this quilt in 1992. I put it on layaway at Belk. I think it took me two months to pay for it. I was going to buy the pillow shams too, but by time I paid for the quilt the design was no longer carried. The design is called Pineapple. It is well quilted and should last the rest of our life and then some if it is properly taken care of.

Yesterday we went to a fish fry at Frank's brother's home. Tom can sure fry fish up good! The hush puppies, grits and fries were good too. There was also slaw. I can't eat slaw, but I'm sure it was good.
It was sure fun watching our grandniece. Hayden is cute, but she can get a little rough at times. She bit her Mama when her Mama took away a rabbit from her. The rabbit is the doorstop.. not real heavy, but heavy enough to hurt a toe. Katie is expecting her son on July 14th. I asked her if they had picked out a name and she said it may be "Double Trouble" if he takes after his sister :-)
I enjoyed talking to everyone. Even though they all live close by we only see them a few times a year.
Last night we watched the movie TAKEN with Liam Neeson. It was an okay movie. If I rated it... maybe 5 stars out of 10. The fight scenes just got a bit tiresome.
We usually make a run to WalMart on Sunday morning. They aren't very busy that time of day. Today I was too dizzy to go so Frank did the shopping. I woke up yesterday morning with a stuffy nose. When I got out of bed I could barely keep my balance. I have fluid in my ears again. I washed them out and put a solution of vinegar and rubbing alcohol in them. I also rinsed my sinuses.. oh joy :-( Hopefully that will do the trick along with the Zyrtec and I won't have to go to the doctor. Did I mention how tired I am of going to doctors?
This morning we made brownies... mostly Frank. Half will go to Frank's sister. She is undergoing a bit of stress now and chocolate always helps to relieve stress :-)
For dinner today we had grilled pork chops, green beans with freshly dug potatoes from the garden and buttermilk cornbread.
Rest for the rest of the day :-)

You've had quite a busy weekend! We went to Sunday school (Jeep taught our class) and church. Big day at our church...our Bishop was there and several other United Methodist Churches in this area joined us for worship and Communion, which was served by the Bishop, our District Supt.,my pastor and another pastor. Lots of singing and a very meaningful celebration of Pentecost.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty quilt Zaroga. It has been a beautiful weekend in GA - great for drying your quilt outdoors. The fish fry sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you soon feel better without going to the Dr.
ReplyDeleteThat quilt is just gorgeous! Sounds like you had a really nice relaxing weekend. I think you're right, chocolate definitely does the trick for me too. The fish fry sounds delicious! :) Hayden and Nugget are too adorable!
ReplyDeleteYour quilt is beautiful. Hayden is a cutie! I love her name.
ReplyDeleteHayden is a cutie! I hope she doesn't name the baby Hunter, LOL, we tease at work that every Hunter we have that goes through the center is BAD!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better!