Allergies have me down a bit or maybe it is the antihistamine or perhaps the combination of them. We've been a bit busy too.
I did a bit of weeding this weekend. I weeded the flower bed that runs alongside the driveway. It is about four car-lengths long. I worked in 15 to 20 minute sessions over two days.... two session each day. My back is okay, but my legs, butt and right hand ache. I cannot tell you how good it felt to have those achy muscles. It has been many years since I've been able to weed the flower beds. I have more weeding to do, but it will wait until next week.
Frank had his CT scan on Monday. They were running behind, so a long afternoon.
Tuesday morning Frank had his appointment with the oncologist surgeon. The doctor pulled the JP drain out about 3 inches. There is somewhere between six and eight inches to go. So, maybe in two or three more visits the drain will be out.
Tuesday we also had the rest of our driveway paved. (Frank, David, Tom, and the man that brought the concrete did the first portion a few years ago.) This company was so happy (or I should say desperate) to have work. Frank was getting more than one estimate and this company's owner would call Frank back every couple of hours Monday evening asking if Frank had gotten the other estimate and if he could do the job tomorrow.
Our yard is full of our vehicles (large truck for hauling the rv, Frank's small truck and our car) while the concrete dries. It is a bit of a pain to park the car in the yard. A gate has to be opened and closed each time. We are suppose to have rain over the next few days and we are hoping some of the pollen will get washed off the vehicles... and that there is no hail.
This morning we had to go the Marine base to get my ID card renewed. My face is slightly swollen from allergies especially under my eyes... so you know that made for a pretty picture

Today I put a bit of fertilizer on some of the flowers and plants in the yard. Just before a rain is a good time to do that.

Tomorrow afternoon we both see the gastroenterologist

I appreciate all the nice comments on my header picture. The dogwoods have been so pretty this year. The blooms are almost gone from our trees and the leaves have appeared.
I really haven't felt like taking my camera around the yard so here are a few oldies...
The wisterias are blooming. We don't have any in our yard. This one is right across the street hanging amongst the cherry laurels, pecan trees and some trees that I don't know what are.
Frank cut our peach tree down. It just did not make peaches. I will miss their blossoms.
What beautiful pics. I know you are both tired of dr. visits and the long waits. Maybe soon, you will get a break and just be able to enjoy your beautiful yard. Wisteria smells so heavenly, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI love going thru your blog and reading it. The photos are great and there is always things happening in your nook. Mountain Mama
ReplyDeleteOur trees are blooming here also. It's cold and rainy this week and maybe a snow flurrie or two for Sunday. Nothing much, but I did already move my house plants outside. It's way early but its been down right hot here on some days. Not anymore. Cold all week they say. I will have top bring them all in tonight I guess. Hope all is going well with all the Dr appts and such. Don't work to hard in those flower beds, save some energy to go over to your neighbors and stick your nose into some of that wonderful wisteria. Ahhhh!
ReplyDeleteI love wisteria I had it over the entry arch at my old home. I am so glad you are doing better. I used 10 minute energy ideal for his book. I would try 10 minutes a day. I still do this with dishes. I think I can stand maybe 14 min now. then sit a while and try again.
ReplyDeleteI bet you are tired of Doctors! I am glad his drain is coming out, even if it is just part of it! I think about and pray for you often!
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how tired you and Frank are of going to the doctors. You've had a lot of visits lately, more than I care to ever have. :) I LOVE the Wisteria picture on here. My ex husband was in the Marine Corps reserves but we still had access to the commissary and base. I loved going to the commissary just because of how cheap everything was! :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Isn't it amazing how the butt can hurt? So glad you are both able to get 'out and about', sorry its mostly to the doc though (ever feel like you personally keep the doctors in business?), but how wonderful you are able!! Love your old blooms! Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog,delightful! I am huge fan of Dogwood,my neighbors on each side have a pink one so I get to enjoy them in full bloom from my back yard.
ReplyDeleteI hope your allergies clear up soon for you.
My wisteria is still in the dormant stage I can't wait for it to spring to life and bloom.
Gosh, I don't kow how y'all deal with all the doctor visits. I guess it's just a necessary part of life. My mama went through simliar times before she passed away. And Daddy too, but he is holding on and proving the docs wrong, for now.
ReplyDeleteThe flowers blooming everywhere are beautiful, but the pollen ahs been so bad down here. Today's rain helped with that! More storms expected the next couple of days.
Have a great weekend!