I thought it was time to revamp the blog design again. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated next month, so I thought I would add a bit of green. I may change the header again, but I like the silo scene... it is serene and serenity is what I need :-) The background is a quilt square called Four Leaf Clover from Dawn's Quilting Clip Art. Dawn has created a lot of beautiful quilt squares.

We are going to get rather cold on Sunday... for us 45° for a high is cold :-)... the weather channel has 50° as the high. The local weather guy says maybe a flurry of snow... should we move further South :-) Anyway our temporary heater probably won't keep the house warm enough so Frank called around to find out who might have a propane heater in stock. He found one and he rode with me and went inside the place to buy it.
We then went by Sam's Club. Frank stayed in the car. It seemed like it took me forever there. We got there a couple of minutes before opening and of course their clock is slower than my watch. I'm waiting by the door and would be within the first few in the store. The lady came to unlock the door and had the wrong key. She waved us to go to the out door to go in... that puts me at about number 35 in line to get in. So I have to wait to get in and get a cart.
I found the things I need and get in the line where the lady is scanning with the hand-held scanner... that way I don't have to take the things out of my cart. At the next register a bottle of some sort of pills was spilled and the lady had to go and clean that up. I was next to in line... so I have to put my items on the belt and my purpose in getting in that particular line was defeated.
Then I try using Frank's debit card. I slid it through several times and it refused to be read. Then the cashier slid it several more times and it finally took. I punch in what I thought the pin number was and it said wrong pin... I'm sure I had it right, but by this time I just said I will use my credit card. My debit card was deactivated by the bank. You have to use your card within three months or it get deactivated and we didn't know that. I will have to get a new card and I just haven't felt like going by the bank.
For some reason Frank's right foot started bothering him and he descibes it like a stone bruise. He thought maybe his ankle brace would help the pain. Of course I couldn't find it. So after Sam's Club I stopped by the drug store and looked for one. They didn't have any in stock like he wanted.
I tend to get frustrated more easily these days :-( I wonder where all my patience went!

I finished my flowerbed project. In a month or so I will probably add more plants to the bed... we'll see.
One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. -- Chinese Proverb