I missed my brother-in-law's, Rich's, birthday on the 12th.... Happy Belated Birthday, Rich! I missed the wedding anniversary of my niece Marcy and her husband Ralph on the 21rst... Happy Belated Anniversary wishes to a wonderful couple. I missed my nephew Jared's birthday on the 24th.... Happy Belated Birthday, Jared! I'm early in wishing Tom, Frank's brother, a Happy Birthday tomorrow :-)... Happy Birthday Tom!
We visited our daughter last week. We left on Saturday the 19th and stayed at F. D. Roosevelt State Park that night. It came down a heavy downpour right as we neared the park. Fortunately it was only a light rain during setup of our travel trailer.... leveling, hooking up water and electricity. We managed to get in a walk and a shower between rain showers. It rained hard most of the night.
Sunday morning the rain let up and we were able to break camp and head towards Woodstock Georgia where our daughter lives. We were in more rain showers. It was misting rain when we set up the trailer at Victoria Campground, Allatoona Lake, Georgia. It rained hard most of Sunday night.
Monday we decided to go visit Sonja and not bring her back to camp being there was so much rain. We called her to tell her that we were on our way. She told us bad news... her dog Otis, a Boston Terrier, had died that morning and she needed to make arrangements. Sonja had Otis since he was a few weeks old, he turned eleven people years last April.
We picked Sonja up and took her to Arby's for lunch. Not that she felt much like eating, but it got her away from her apartment for a while. It poured rain while we were in Arby's. We stayed there for over an hour because of the rain. Then we went into Wal Mart.... it was still raining. We walked around for a while and left... it was still raining.
By now there are reports of a lot of flooding. We asked Sonja the best way to get back to the campground without having to cross a flooded area. She told us and we took that route back to camp. A tree had fallen over the road, but it was quickly cleared away. It rained hard most of Monday night.
Tuesday we stayed in camp. It was cloudy most of the day. One of the campground host said it had rain seventeen and a half inches of rain at the campground... but we don't know how many days that covered. We think three.
Part of the campground was flooded. This picnic table eventually went out of sight into the water.
This camp site is under water. The road I was standing on eventually had water over it.

Tuesday was mostly cloudy. Wednesday it started clearing. We brought Sonja back to the camp site and had a nice visit.
Thursday and Friday we visited more. There were reports that heavy rain might come again by Saturday evening. We decided to come home a day early. Just in case major highways were to be closed again.
Our timing was awful for this trip. We were on edge a lot. We did enjoy our visit with Sonja and her boyfriend, Bryan... and their dog, Houdini. I'll show you pictures of Houdini another time.
Sonja still has not found employment. Could you please keep her in your prayers.
I'll try reading your blogs over the next few days.