One day I got to go to the doctor with our son and daughter-in-law and watch as an ultrasound was done. I had never seen one take place in person before... it was awesome watching the heart beat and the legs and arms flail about.
That evening was a Gender Party. We are very dumb about what we see in the ultrasound, but pretty sure my feelings and Frank's were right-on... the feelings had been there since we knew a baby was on its way and we were correct :)
The hostess made two cakes. One had a blue-colored layer and the other had a pink-colored layer. The one sliced was the gender of the baby. The hostess made the layers ahead of time and froze them. On the day the gender of the baby was revealed she decorated the cakes. The tec after the ultrasound wrote the gender of the baby down and put it in an envelope... so the couple did not know the gender until the party. The hostess was waiting in the parking lot anxiously awaiting the envelope.
It is a girl!!! Her name will be Carly Zaroga. I am honored that she shares part of my name. She is due the first part of March. We are so excited!
The next Friday Mary and her friend Haley (hostess's daughter) came and spent the night with us in the travel trailer. We did a haunted hayride and the haunted house. The hayride was scary, but not as scary as the haunted house. Frank and I were not too crazy about being that close to the strobe lights in the haunted house. I think the girls weren't either. They shivered just about the whole time in the haunted house. Fortunately, no nightmares that night.
Saturday morning was jamb-packed with bike riding, pumpkin carving, putt putt and the playground. Laura and Dave came out and we had a great lunch. They took the girls back with them... whew!... one can only take so much of an almost 8 year old and an 8 1/2 year old. After church Sunday they returned and brought us a nice lunch from Publix. The girls rode their bikes and played at the playground.
Monday we did nothing... just needed to rest. Well we did small walks around the campground and read and most importantly napped.
Tuesday we took a walk to the river and tried our hand at fishing... nothing but minnows stealing worms. I took a few pictures and maybe soon I will have time to look at them and post a few.
Wednesday we cam home and I started on the mounds of laundry... still working on that.
We went to the doctor on Thursday. My back is giving me a bit of trouble. Hopefully it is just fussing a bit. The doctor said we are treating it as inflammation right now... which meant a Toradol injection. Hopefully within a few days my back will feel better.
We really did have a great time... we did not miss the internet much ;)

Sounds like a wonderful time and congrats on Carly Zaroga. March will be here before you know it! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteI hope your back will be better and that you will have a nice weekend.