I haven't slept well in weeks. With the damp weather we've had comes the flare up of bursitis in my hip. I see the doc on Monday and I know he will do something to help.
We are doing some more renovations to the house. The latest is taking David's old bedroom and making it an office. It hasn't been David's bedroom for over 16 years. It has mostly been a junk room/sewing room. It wasn't always this messy... this is the packing up stage :-)
The paneling was removed. The carpet was removed along with padding. Underneath was another layer of padding. It was stuck to the floor and Frank scraped it up and I swept. Then Frank ran the shop vac over it. What a mess!
Looking better! The picture shows one of the old windows. As you can tell we live in a house made from cement blocks.
This shows a bit of both old windows and the newly painted ceiling.
One of the new windows. They were a bit hard to put in. Frank is smart and figured out how to get past the glitches.
Next we put up drywall. So you see we are busy. Busy is good.
Of course I'm still addicted to the games on Face Book :-D
My thoughts and prayers to each of you.