I love Fall! The light is soothing the sweetness in the air of the last honeysuckles and the tea olive trees. The wild flowers with the insects visiting them are pleasant to the eyes. This time of the year gets me in the mood for the season's fruits and vegetables.
A few days ago I made a Sweet Tater Casserole. It was soooo good!
I didn't get the best picture of it.. my better pictures seem to be of spiders and bees :-)
Yesterday I sauteed some Golden Delicious apple slices.
I didn't follow a recipe and probably should have. I washed, cored and thinly sliced the apples. I sauteed them in some Smart Balance (maybe a ¼ cup) and when they were almost tender I added some honey(maybe a ¼ cup) and a sprinkle of apple pie spice and simmered until tender. I think it would be better with brown sugar. Maybe I'll look for a recipe and play with it :-)
Along with the apples we had grilled steak (that we had gotten months ago on sale), broccoli with cheese and a big batch of rice. Today we had the leftover steak and I stir-fried the rice with onion, banana peppers, green peas, bacon bits, an egg and teriyaki sauce .. and Frank added a couple of jalapeƱo peppers that were a little on the hot side. It was excellent.. but my ears burned :-)
We eat our big meal at midday... I call that dinner. Today this lovely dinner was late. We voted earlier this morning. No lines and I'm so glad that is over with. Then we went by the bread store. Yeah.. its a day old, but still good. It cost less than the super market. We buy a few loaves and put them in the freezer. We pinch pennies... or should that be nickels now... when we can. Then we went by the Marine Base and asked questions about some of the Tricare insurance. Then to the commissary... we were lucky and found a few slightly dented cans of green beans, enchilda sauce and Crystal Light Lemonade on the reduced rack. It was a busy morning. This afternoon we have watch tv shows that were recorded and even took a brief nap.
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