First I'll start with yesterday... I got the injections in my back and boy did they hurt! I had a rough day yesterday. I stayed queasy all day long. Usually I'm just queasy for a short time after these injections. I felt better at lunch time and enjoyed the leftover roast... then it hit again. I couldn't even manage to sit at the computer and read blogs. So today was catch-up day and I enjoyed reading blogs. Everyone is just so talented.
This morning was our regular six month check-up with blood work done... so no early breakfast. Our doctor really likes to see us... he wants my husband to work for him. DH has copies of most of our test and has charted out our cholesterol test to see how we are doing... etc. Neither one of us has high cholesterol our problems are our triglycerides.. it runs a bit high. The doctor also wants my good cholesterol to be better... and it is getting there. That is not easy when you are a Southerner... no fried foods.. an atrocity! Well... we went to Chick-fil-A afterwards.. we are so bad! :-)
We got our flu shots while there. I haven't had the flu since we've been taking these shots. I used to get it about every two years... the real flu is no fun. I Haven't had a head cold since taking the flu shot. I do sometimes get bronchitis... which is usually a result from allergies gone bad.
There were some funny things that took place at the doctor's office, but I won't embarrass DH :-) One cute thing is our family doctor is part part of OB-GYN Associates at the Veranda. He isn't listed at the group's web site. DH has gotten teased a few times about the letterheads on some of the documents from Dr. Jackson's office.
Today I actually did a few things. I washed the dishes... twice all ready today. I cleaned the coffee pots and the Rubber Maid gallon ice tea container. I wiped all but the bath tub down in the bathroom... only one bathroom here which is an inconvenience at times, but glad I don't have two to clean.
Our late lunch was Barbers Broccoli and Cheese. Yep.. we are very bad again. They don't taste as good as they used to, so probably won't buy them any more.
I also did a load of wash today... the whites. They will probably stay in the dryer until tomorrow.
This morning DH went and bush-hogged down at Stubbs Acres, my parent's old place. There are some pictures here and here . Some of the wildlife and flora pictures are nice and some are just too far away. The flowers here, the birds here, butterflies here and assorted critters here . The pictures were taken with my older Sony f717 camera. I like my frog picture best.
Click on the picture to go to a larger picture.
I love the serenity down at Stubbs Acres. A nice place to walk around. The only bad thing is the neighbor raises hogs and cows. He has too many in a small area, so the flies and odor get very bad. One just hopes the breeze isn't blowing toward you.
We watched some recorded tv shows this afternoon.
It is beginning to rain... we sure need the rain. It has been very dry lately. We've been in a drought for a few years and it doesn't seem like we'll ever get out of it.
Just one of my ho-hum days.
Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. -- Doug Larson
Hi Zaroga,
ReplyDeleteBoy you were poked a lot today! Sorry. :( Then you did all that cleaning! I admire that. I just love your photographs. :) Hope you feel better soon.